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Show 2025
Interest Form
Please let us know how this conference went for you!
Name (Leave off if you'd prefer to remain anonymous)
Indicates required field
What timezone do you live in?
How did you hear about this conference?
Which workshops did you attend (either live or via recording afterwards)? (check all that apply)
Fabric Taxonomy Workshops
Sling Taxonomy Workshops
Hoop Workshops
Anatomy Workshops
What were some of the take-aways (things you learned) this year through this conference?
Tell us about your favorite workshops and why you liked them!
Length of workshops....
Could be shorter
Could be longer
Were a great length
Pacing of Material Presented..
Was fast, and this was a good thing.
Was too fast, please slow down.
Was slow and this was a good thing
Was too slow, feel free to speed up!
Workshops were all different.
Pacing was just right
Please comment on any aspect of how this online format worked for you. What was successful? What worked/what didn't?
How could we make it better next time?
Which workshops if offered AGAIN next year would you take a second time (content may be different, but same theme)?
What workshops are you interested in ADDING to the conference next year?
Are there any teachers you recommend for this conference that we could reach out to about teaching content that would fit our theme? If so, please list below.
Would you be interested in continuing with regular weekly classes about theory in an online format?
Yes, please send information (make sure to include your email at the top!)
No thank you.
Maybe, I'll look at the Aerialworks website for details
If you would recommend this conference to a friend, please write your recommendation below. We will post these to our site to let others know what we offer. Thank you for your kind comments in advance!
Anything else to share? Thank you.
Thank you so much for participating in the Aerial Nerd Conference this year!
We are looking at skipping 2022, but plan on bringing back the conference in the fall of 2023. Hope to see you then!